
School Mobility

EGInA hosted 25 people from the Evening VET School of Mytilene (Greece) and SABA Private School of Skopje (North Macedonia) that participated in “The efficient implementation of Digital Marketing to today’s entreprises” training course, within the Erasmus+ KA1 Transnational Mobility. Students and Staff took part in a two-week course in Italy at Digipass Foligno, led by EGInA’s trainers in the field of: Theoretical training: Basic Principles and Differences of Traditional and Digital Marketing Theoretical 
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Within the ENNE Project – coordinated by EGInA – KA1 Mobility Accreditation in the field of VET, 8 learners from Italy will spend one month in Belgium. The students are from six High Schools: I.O. Salvatorelli Moneta Marsciano ISS “Spagna-Campani” Spoleto Liceo “Turrisi Colonna” Catania Liceo “Majorana” Catania Istituto “Casanova” Napoli Liceo ” De Sanctis” Trani The Belgian organisations that are hosting are: All Digital Sabeena Engeneering Ferme du Parc Maximilien OBESSU
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In March 2023, Italy hosted a transformative educational experience as part of the Erasmus+ KA1 transnational mobility programme. The initiative, which aims to encourage international cooperation and student mobility, brought together 23 students, accompanied by two teachers, as well as two educators taking part in an observation period, all from Debreceni Szakképzési Centrum in Hungary. For seven enriching days, from 19 to 25 March, Italy became more than just a geographical location; it became 
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In EGInA central office we are lucky right now to have the chance to host in our office the group of eight students from Hungary. Four students of administrative came from institution Budapesti Gazdasági SZC Hunfalvy János Két Tanítási Nyelvű Közgazdasági Technikum and are staying with us from 24.10. to 20.11.2022. From 04.11. to 25.11.2022 we are hosting the other four students, who came from the institution META – Don Bosco Technikum és Szakgimnázium, 
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